Questions and Answers

What type of license do I require?

If you are building in Alberta or British Columbia where warranty is mandated, you can contact your provincial regulator to confirm whether you will require a developer license or general contractor license. For Alberta, visit this link. For British Columbia, visit this link.

When do I need to enroll a home?

Your home must be enrolled prior to the start of any construction.

While each Province has different requirements, the most standard practice would be to enroll the home prior to applying for building permits.

How long does it take to enroll a new home?

We aim to register it within one business day, but this process may take up to 3 business days.

What is a Commencement Form or Certificate of Possession (COP)?

This document is used to determine the effective dates of the home policy, and is provided to you at the time of enrollment. This document is to be completed and submitted within 30 days of the sale/occupancy of a new home. It also includes a Pre-Delivery Inspection form that can help homeowners and builders identify together any items that need to be addressed.

How do I get a replacement Commencement Form/COP?

These forms are address specific – please contact our office, and we are happy to issue you a new form! These can also be accessed via WIMS, our online builder portal at

How often do I need to phone for inspections?

While you are welcome to contact our office to provide updates on your stage of construction, it is not necessary to phone to schedule any inspections.

What do I do if a homeowner won’t sign the Commencement Form/COP?

Homeowner signature is not strictly required.

What should I do if the homeowner is involved in the process?

Please contact our office immediately once you become aware of any homeowner involvement.

What should I do if my contract was terminated and I am no longer involved with a build?

Please contact our office immediately to discuss.

What should I do if I have a dispute with a homeowner?

Contact us at the first instance of a dispute with a homeowner/developer. Our ability to provide advice and/or assistance is time sensitive and may be limited by legislation.

When do I have to provide collateral security?

Security must be in place prior to the enrollment of a new home.

When is my security returned?

Collateral security is held for the length of your obligations under the warranty.  Security release reviews begin automatically and may be delayed if there are claims.  Please contact your account developer for more information.

Can I use the National Home Warranty logo for advertising or signs?

Yes – please reach out to us! We are happy to supply you with signage for your sites and digital logos for your website.