Programs for
Multi Family Builders
We’ll help you build with confidence.
Whether you specialize in high rise or mid size condominiums, townhomes, repair contracting or act on behalf of a Strata Corporation, we have a program to meet your needs and your province’s requirements.
More importantly, our services extend beyond standard warranty programs. We review project builds, and partner with you to deliver a customized program – complete with added value for you and your buyers.

Keep the families you build for covered
Multi-family construction can be time consuming and complex. You have so many factors to consider and manage – worrying about guaranteeing your hard work shouldn’t be one of them. National Home Warranty’s Multi Family Warranty program can provide you with the coverage you need and more.
And cover yourself while you’re at it
Reduce the risk of post-construction deficiencies by protecting your business and the homeowners. No matter which province you build in – British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba.
Deposit Insurance
Gaining access to your purchasers’ deposits is incredibly important. Utilizing them for project funding can have a positive impact on your bottom line.
In British Columbia and Alberta, purchasers’ deposits are required to be held in trust and can be used as a source of project financing if they are insured by an approved Deposit Insurance company. Insuring your purchasers’ deposits changes that, giving you a secure and cost-effective financing option, and reduces your dependence on more expensive financing such as bank loans, subordinated loans or equity.
If you build in Manitoba or Saskatchewan, you are not required to insure your purchasers’ deposits to utilize them. However, you should still consider insuring them to guarantee your homeowner the peace of mind that their deposits are safe and sound.